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Insurance for the unexpected

Being an adult is expensive. Especially when something goes wrong. Car troubles, a broken appliance, a job loss or an unplanned medical expense can come out of nowhere and derail your budget. That’s why we’re working to develop a safety net—to cover the costs that other insurance doesn’t.

We’re exploring solutions like this that help make life easier. Read on to find out more.




Broad coverage for the unexpected

Cover a range of expenses related to: car repairs, medical deductibles, home maintenance, veterinary costs, appliances, electronics, emergency travel, natural disasters, theft and more.


Additional protection if you lose your job

We may also offer a safety net that helps you pay bills if you’re laid off. It could cover things like credit card, mortgage and car payments until you’re back on your feet.


Customizable plans and pricing

Choose the categories you want to cover. Your monthly price is based on how many you select. You also can pick a deductible that fits your budget.


Valuable benefits even without a claim

You’re probably used to the “use it or lose it” approach to insurance coverage. We’re exploring options that allow you to benefit even if you don’t make a claim.

A different kind of insurance

Get coverage for a variety of expenses that are a fact of life but that other insurance typically ignores. Think of it as a rainy-day fund for those unplanned bills that can add up and blow your budget.


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